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Coca-Cola Co. promotes regional economic development and democratic engagement while pioneering sustainable packaging innovations; company's initiatives in Caribbean region and European Union promote economic growth and civic engagement.

Packaging Design Wrap-Up: Single-use pods shaped like spinning tops bring coffee and play together; banana snack comes in packaging inspired by banana peel; canned water brand mocks plastic bottles for Earth Day

Greenpeace report finds only 36% of plastic beverage bottles of less than 3 liters in Spain are collected separately--far below 70% target set by the Waste Law for 2023 and in contrast to 71% reported by producer responsibility organization Ecoembes

Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan collaborates with Mitsubishi for horizontal recycling of used PET bottles from building complex Osaka Dojimahama Tower; initiative recycles used PET bottles for reuse as containers for Coca-Cola products

Zotefoams partnering SÜDPACK to boost production of ReZorce HDPE barrier packaging, a sustainable alternative to beverage cartons made from multiple materials; agreement will grant Zotefoams an additional 100 million ReZorce cartons annually

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